The Queen of TV Streaming and Indie Media
Entertainment and Media Business Biography and Resume
Apparel Brand Creator
In 2012 I created and designed my first clothing line called Ambizion Apparel. Ambizion Apparel is everyday positive and motivational wear for men, women, and children to motivate and inspire others to live their lives to the fullest while striving to accomplish their goals. Ambizion Apparel has been worn by a variety of actors and talk show hosts and seen on numerous TV Shows and movies throughout the years.
I created Ambizion Pooch a clothing line that caters to dogs as well as their parents in 2016 for my beloved Schnauzers Bailee and Charlee and their friends so they can be the coolest Pooches at the Dog Park! I mean if Mommy had a clothing line the fur babes needed one too.
On May 19th, 2019 (My B-Day) I had a grand opening of my first retail clothing store for my two clothing lines called Ambizion Apparel in downtown Inglewood by LAX, the new Rams Stadium and the Forum. Being an occasional Uber driver at the time when the opportunity came up to have a retail location in an up-and-coming area, I decided to create a mental plan to open a store so for 9 months I drove Uber everyday driving 12 hour shifts to accomplish my goal and it worked lol. I was Ubering all the way up to 2 hrs before the grand opening. On a sidenote that day, I had to take a 20-minute nap because I was so tired driving and asked one of my best friends Margo who lived in the area if I could take a nap at her house real quick before I fell asleep at the wheel LOL. Of course, she said yes and understood my determination and hustle she also helped me at the grand opening as well.
I am mentioning this because she took a picture of me sleep on her couch and a couple of days later texted me the picture along with the sweetest letter about how proud of me, she was. This was bittersweet because I didn’t see this text until almost 2 years later the day after she was killed by a hit and run driver this year (2021) and I was reading her old texts.
Love Bailee and Charlee Apparel a line dedicated to Dog Lovers in honor of my Schnauzers Bailee (RIP) and my constant companion Charlee and Biz Girl Apparel a line for laid back women in business are the newest lines I have developed and launched this year (2024).
