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  I am the proud daughter of a military man and an extremely ambitious career woman and I was born On May 19,1976, in Hahn, Germany. My parents divorced when I was 2, prompting my mother to move to El Paso, Texas to be near my grandparents who resided there after my grandfather retired from the military. My mother adapted to her new environment without skipping a beat and I watched her work tirelessly climbing the corporate ladder and creating her own side businesses to make sure I can take advantage of every amazing opportunity that came my way. My grandmother and aunt are hard working women as well and always had me around as a baby and that was amazing for me to see because they all had their own careers and businesses while being married to military men.  Witnessing them go after their own goals, and my Mom's love for animals particularly dogs has influenced me with my own die-hard determination to succeed.  


  At the ripe old age of 5 in El Paso, TX, I was a kindergartener at Wainwright Elementary School (moved to Edgar Park Elementary in 6th grade) I became an entrepreneur running a mini lemonade/food (sometimes) stand outside my apartment complex that I ran every summer up until I was around 9 or 10. I was also involved in multiple activities and while I was in junior high at Canyon Hills, when it came to fundraisers, remember Blow Pops and popcorn LOL? I would buy the boxes myself and sell for profit, so business has always been on my brain and it is all I know. I had a breakdance crew, danced ballet, tap dance, gymnastics, played on a baseball team (I was the only girl, and I was HORRIBLE), was on a bowling league and a Girl Scout for 8 years imagine all those fundraisers and girl scout cookie sales you know my Piggy Bank stayed swole. I would write songs and TV Show scripts as young as 8 years old (original and spoofs),  do impressions in class and got constantly kicked out in the hallway or I was sent to the office, I was a child model low budget mall fashions shows not runway lol would never take from Tyra or Cynthia Bailey hunty (I also had the worst acne and juiciest Jheri Curl known to man if that helps). Who knows I could have been the world's first Child Plus Sized Model DAMN where's my check LMAO! I was also heavily in music playing the violin for over 12 years in Orchestra from elementary thru High school at Irvin High School and sang in the choir up into my adult years once singing in Montel Jordan's choir for a televised performance at our church in Atlanta. These things all happened, and it was fun, but I was also bullied and harassed in elementary and junior high because I was always the "fat" kid so that is where the entertaining came in. Laugh with me instead of at me (more personal details in my personal book).


      By 1997 I was a 21yr old nighttime campus DJ and Radio Host at my first attempt of college at UTEP majoring in Communications and minoring in Film.  It was a classical station which I loved playing the violin for as many years as I have, but I was constantly cursed out by elderly people all night because I either did not play what they want when they wanted it, or I accidently mispronounced a conductor or artist names LMAO!!! Good times. That year I was also an award-winning top salesperson for Providian Financial Services and was excited for my future until I was unfairly laid off.  Extremely pissed off and seeking work, I came across an ad in The El Paso Times classifieds of a homeowner seeking someone to clean their home and Dee Dee’s Cleaning was born. I could not believe how much I made cleaning that house! My best friend Christine (aka Boo Boo she is like my lil sis) started helping me clean until I started hiring employees. I taught myself how to build websites, create digital ads, create logos on the computer and I networked with over 40,000 Realtors to further my business. I grew Dee Dee's Cleaning at that time to a lucrative small chain spanning 8 states with 75 employees that I ran for 13 years. I dissolved them in 2010 only to reopen in 2019 where I am currently running Dee Dee’s Cleaning in 4 states today.

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©2021 by Damitra Dee Dee Stuart

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